About the Business
My love for photography comes from an early age. But my first artistic experiences were as a young boy when my parents fortunately allowed me to indulge my creativity by drawing and painting on almost every surface of my bedroom. Over time this grew into a serious passion for drawing and illustration as well as graffiti art. At the same time I indulged in some guitar and piano playing. All this to say i have always loved the arts and had an intense need to create and express myself in various forms.
15 years ago i picked up my first camera and fell in love with this medium that allowed me to create artistic images like i did with my illustration and painting, in a fraction of the time and i even got to keep the original, which was not the case with the former art forms! I was hooked. I set up a dark room in a spare room of the house and i was set up. Eventually I moved to the U.K. to study Photography over 13 years ago now, with the idea of becoming a documentary film maker.
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