About the Business
I've spent most of my life making photographs, mainly to help me remember details of what I've seen when they would otherwise have disappeared from my memory.
My interest in photography began as a child with a plastic camera and grew into a passion when I discovered the magic of developing and printing from black and white film. Over time, advances in technology have changed the processes I follow but the art, science and practice of recording with light continues to fascinate me.
After 25 years as a video producer and director I switched careers to follow my ambition to become a freelance photographer and now specialise in portraiture but my personal projects also include architectural and social documentary photography. I mostly use two Canon 5D Mk III bodies with a range of L-series lenses from 17mm to 400mm, as well as Canon, Elinchrom and Lastolite studio and location flash equipment where necessary.
Location & Hours

12 Crawford Close