About the Business
I enjoy photography, which has grown from an interest to just capture family events to a serious hobby since late 2008. This passion for making great photos has let me to setup MarkDK Photography with which I primarily focus on wedding photography. My enthusiasm for photography dates back to when I was 5/6 years old, when I got my first camera. I managed then to shoot a film of 24 negatives in 20 minutes on everything and nothing. From there I always made the family holiday photos and covered my own trips later in life. However, my true feeling for wanting to know more about photography, did not start until the end of 2008 when I bought my first DSLR (Canon 50D). I spend my time reading up on techniques, following courses and of course photographing anything I could get my camera in front off. I am Dutch and have been living in the UK since 2003.
Location & Hours

156 Liverpool Road