About the Business
Growing up, I was consistently exposed to new outings and adventures. We were always either out hiking or camping or just observing the beautiful nature around us. From early on, I loved to hold on to those memories in any way that I could. I asked my father for my first camera when I was around the age of eight. I was ecstatic when we finally went to pick one out and purchase it. From that point on, I have loved taking photos of the world around me. Then in December of 2006, my heart doubled in size and my passion for photography grew tenfold when my first daughter was born. As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, I realized how quickly moments pass. And here I am, eight years and three more children later (yes, that makes four!) and I find that one of my all time favorite pass times is to look through the beautiful images that I have captured of my precious babies. I love being able to give that to other families, as well!
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Bury Saint Edmunds
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Brandi Bailey Photos
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Bury Saint Edmunds, Bury St Edmunds,