About the Business
It's not in my nature to talk myself up, but in this twitterati, facebook-obsessed age it seems to be the way it is, so here are some ramblings. Someone once referred to my photography as very varied (they actually used a better word than that, but it's slipped my mind), and I think that's true: I'm no more a wedding photographer, than a portraitist, than a documentarian. I'm just a photographer. Simple really. Popular wisdom is that you should specialize in a given area of photography, but I can't!
There's too much variety out there to pigeon-hole yourself as a particular type of photographer. In everything that I photograph I strive to achieve that moment that captures the essence of someone or something. Throughout my whole photographic journey the passion that has stayed with me is Black and White Photography. You can't beat it. Even in the digital age of today, where everything is taken on colour I still derive the most pleasure from experimenting with B&W.
Location & Hours

7A Prospect Road